Happy Friday! Today’s post is about exactly how to use the landing page to increase sales.
What is a landing page?
A landing page is a very important part of a well-thought-out sales and marketing plan. It can also be fine-tuned depending on the various objectives. You can sell your service or product, collect consumer information, or generate leads for the sales funnel via a focused landing page. It is highly important to design functional and beautiful landing pages so that the conversion rate can be higher.
Do spend some good time on thinking about how to design your landing page, for it is increasingly difficult to attract and hold people’s attention online. Great design will definitely trigger instant conversions! You can also have a series of landing pages in accordance with a conversion path to drive conversions and increase sales.
The conversion path.
Essentially, a landing page should not be confused with a homepage. A homepage is like a table of content or navigation for the brand’s website. A landing page, however, has a more focused action. You can conceptualize a landing page as being a subset of the homepage. It focuses on one section of the webpage and elaborates in detail about that section. And there is one “call to action” on a landing page, which makes it way easier for the reader/user to make that one action.
The main purpose of having a landing page is, ultimately, to drive lead conversions and sales. This means that the landing page is a way for you to direct your readers and prospects to do something specific that you would want them to do. There can be a series of landing pages as a means to the end of getting sales, according to a conversion path.
A conversion path description of the steps taken by a user of a website towards the desired end from the standpoint of the brand.
Case Study: Selling a book.
Imagine this. Let’s say you are selling a book (product). How are you going to get people to buy the book?
The conversion funnel tells us that you have to somehow do PR/marketing for the book. The point of doing PR/marketing is to get interest and clicks from eyeballs. You can do PR for this book by writing press releases to various news outlets or media, such as accepting interviews on radios, televisions, and magazines, etc.
Now, this is where some brands then miss out on a lot of opportunities and conversions just because they don’t have a landing page, in spite of spending so much money on the PR/marketing. Assume that your prospects did land on your book’s home page, which includes a lot of other information, such as the author’s biography in detail, a blog about the book, and other collaborators of the book–now what?
Overwhelmed by a lot of information, readers may not be able to find the book you are selling immediately. Some of them might not even know that this book they want is on sale for your website. A landing page here would solve most troubles because it reframes and directs the mind of the consumer with a call to action to buy your book. So assuming you already have a published book, you can move your prospect directly downwards the marketing funnel from prospect to a paying customer.
What if I don’t have a product yet?
What if you don’t have a product yet–in this case, a lack of a published book? Can you still use a landing page? The answer is yes. Even if there is no published book yet, the landing page can be utilised to collect emails and gauge general interest. This is so as to capture the conversion from prospects to leads and filter out those prospects who are not interested. A simple line such as “leave your email address so that we can inform you when the book is out!” will suffice as a great gauge of interest.
After publishing the book, you can then email this database of users. And then lead them to yet another focused landing page for the conversion of leads to paying customers.
Essentially, the idea of a conversion path or conversion funnel is such that visitors will find it easy-peasy to follow this conversion. Keep your content super simple, super focused, super relevant to the hearts and minds of your readers. Focus on the benefits and copywrite as though you are writing to just one person. Great copywriting on a landing page can increase conversion tremendously by up to 30%-45%.
Clearly, using a landing page will lead to more sales in the event that you want to sell a product or a service. This is great because it implies an additional stream of passive income! The key here then is really in how you plan the conversion path, and how well you do your copywriting. So do take some good time to plan the conversion path and do copywriting well.
We hope you have enjoyed today’s article on how to use a landing page to drive sales!