09 May 2023

Top 4 Factors You Need to Consider For SEO


SEO, which is short for Search Engine Optimisation, is critical in any website as it can be a very powerful traffic generator to your website at no cost versus paid advertisements. Very strong websites typically find that they have little need to run advertisements to promote their website. And being ranked highly on search also adds credibility as anybody can pay to take the top spot for paid ads.

These days though, SEO is not just something that can be done by applying some tags to the website and creating links; it goes beyond that. How the website is developed is also critical as certain factors such as speed and mobile responsiveness can only be achieved through site development.

Here are the top 4 factors that you need to consider for SEO.

1. Mobile Responsiveness

Being mobile responsive is key in ranking your website these days. In fact, Google was very clear about it when they made the announcement that if your website is not mobile responsive, be prepared for it to fall off the charts. If your website is mobile-friendly, Google will let you know nicely by putting the word “Mobile-friendly” beside your search result.


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2. Page Speed

If your website is slow, it’s as good as broken. Google rewards fast websites and the faster your website is, the better. In general, if your website takes more than 5 seconds to load, it’s too slow. A good website should load in under 2 to 3 seconds. There’s a handy tool to check the speed of your website from the Pingdom Website Speed Test.

For an example of what we managed to do for our client, see Google Page Speed.


3. Description

Your website has to be described properly through meta tags, everything from the title to the description, and so on. Every page and post should be properly described and tagged. It not only helps in your search results but also helps the user to understand your site better so they will click on it.

4. Content

Your website should contain lots of words, like a lot. A website full of pictures is nice visually, but they don’t help you in your SEO as Google looks at the words in your page to more accurately define what your page is about. There are ways to work around this though and still achieve a great look and feel, do contact us if you would like to know more.

Does SEO seem difficult? SEO is actually a very time-consuming process but if done right, can propel your website to the top where you could enjoy lots of traffic that just find you on the web.

Speak to us if you would like to know more about how we can help.

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