The focus to create relevant content is more than ever now and with the spotlight on effective copywriting – to attract customers and convert leads – constantly producing a high-end copy is no mean feat. Here are the top 15 tips we recommend.
1: Dive deep into the topic: Do more research into the subject at hand. The more you know the more creatively you can play around with the copy. The devil is really in the details when it comes to copy that converts. Arm yourself with as many details as possible.
2: Be intriguing: Add interest to your copy. You can’t repel customers by your copy and expect sales. Make your copy entertaining, tell stories, incorporate topical issues, and make it visually appealing. Your copy should have a personality.
3: Headlines matter: Research says 80% of the viewers don’t read beyond the headline. Put your best foot forward. Choose simple, to the point headlines, over-complicated witty headlines. It is often said that the best headlines invoke curiosity, the second-best news, and the best of all the readers’ self-interest. You could try writing at least 5 different headlines and see which works best for you.
4: Write straightforward meaningful copy: Make your messaging clear and crisp so that your target audience can understand your offer and benefits easily. Your copy should address your audiences’ need and give them exactly what they want.
5: Good looking copy: It’s a psychological fact that anything which is good looking attracts attention and this is the same with copywriting as well. A good looking copy will have the instant eyeball reaction and viewers will be enticed to read on. A good type font, bullets or numbering, headings and subheadings, variety in text formats like bold, italics, and underlining go a long way to make the copy look good.
6: Keep a reference file: Keep a file with the most inspiring collection of ads or other relevant copy or content that performed well. This can be your ready reference when you suddenly have that frustrating writer’s block.
7: Know why you are creating the copy: The purpose behind creating the copy has to be clear, considering that it is a crowded content space and every piece of copy is jostling for attention. Witty, humorous content does not do you any good unless it builds trust and engages with the audience and encourages sales.
8: Think outside the box: Don’t be afraid to experiment and try out something new and different. Take risks. The novelty element could lead to great ideas for copywriting. Creativity will bloom if you think out of the ordinary.
9: Speak in a language your customers speak: Speaking in the language your prospects use to communicate and the language they use to think will help you gain their trust because they can identify easily with you. It helps you connect and build relationships and in turn persuade them more easily.
10: Focus on the benefits: While writing copy focus on the benefits of the product rather than the features. A customer is always seeking to know how the product will benefit him (which is about him) rather than what the product does (which is about the company). You will sound even more reliable if you back your benefits with reliable data and proof – be it statistics, testimonials, or success stories.
11: Use Active Voice: Using active voice makes you sound sure of yourself which in turn builds trust in the copy. Passive voice is more detached and impersonal making the copy fall flat when it comes to promotional writing.
12: Talk with your heart out: Appeal to the emotions of your customers. Before writing, ask yourself what is your prospects deepest and strongest desires. Is it fear, greed exclusivity? Try to address them in your copy. This will ensure your content goes straight to the heart.
13: Say the right words: Every word matters when you write. Use the very best of the words that convey the message, emotion, and imagery the way you want to tell your audience. The truth is every piece of copy can be made better. There is always room for improvement, hunt out the right words.
14: The most essential point: Highlight the most important point in your copy at least 3 times. Do not be subtle, diplomatic, or shy about it. Hit your readers with it. You could try leading your copy with the strongest point first. Chances are more prospects that will read the beginning of the copy than the end. Go all out.
15: End with a strong call to action: You need to clearly spell out what you want your audience to do. If you don’t specifically ask your customers to do something the chances are they won’t do a thing about it.
Finally, after all that toil and hard work, rest. Edit your copy a day later. If you start editing right after you wrote the draft, there is a good chance that you may miss some minor intricate mistakes, had you edited it a day later. Our mind is so full of the stuff we just wrote that we won’t be able to spot any mistakes. Happy Writing!