According to Euromonitor, consumer spending in the Asia-Pacific region is traditionally high during festive periods. This can be attributed to the year-end bonuses that many corporate employees receive in Asia. In addition, even though some Asians are not Christians, they do give presents to each other during the Christmas season.
This post is to highlight some tips regarding email marketing for you to capitalise on the festive trends so that your ROI will look as stellar, too.
Tip #1: Optimize your festive email marketing for mobile.
- Use a mobile-friendly template.
Nowadays more and more people read their emails via mobile as opposed to PC. Sometimes it gets terribly annoying when a template that is not mobile-friendly is used. Your subscribers will then have to browse through an email that is too large for their screens. And if they get irritated enough, they will simply not read the email.
Therefore, always use a mobile-friendly template and make your email message as easy to read as possible.
- Keep your message simple and sweet.
The space on the mobile screen is especially limited, so think through your message and keep it succinct and condensed. People tend to remember shorter messages better, so keep your message simple.
- Keep fonts clean and of the appropriate size.
Use fonts that are of the appropriate size. Try not to use fonts that are too small, because this will make reading difficult. if your fonts are too big, it might spoil your design. Be sure to keep a good balance.
- Keep the images in the email light.
Avoid using pictures with big file sizes, because this would slow down the loading time.
- Use the pattern-interrupt in your title.
This is so that there is a higher chance that your subscribers would actually open the email. In your title, include something unexpected or something that will intrigue your subscriber.
An example can be a title like “Buy something for Uncle Gary this Christmas!” (Who’s Uncle Gary?) or “Don’t shop this Christmas.” (A behaviour that is not expected).
Tip #2: Greet your followers with the relevant holiday cheers.
- Allude your email subject line to something happy, positive, and festive.
People love reading happy and positive emails! If you can allude your email to something positive and festive from the title, the open-rate will be higher.
- Make use of festive emojis or images!
An image or/ and emoji conveys a thousand words and get your subscribers more in the mood for festive shopping. Be sure to use some of them so as to create a “fun” tone!
- Avoid sounding spamm-y.
Because many companies will be sending out festive emails, avoid sounding like a spam mail. This is to say, as much as possible avoid typing your titles in CAPITALS and using words such as “ATTENTION” or “AMAZING OFFER”. Keep your email classy and interesting to read.
- Create a sense of #yolo urgency.
You can again, do this through the title of the email–write subject titles with a sense of urgency. One example can be “This Christmas, you won’t want to miss…”. The idea is to encourage your subscribers to open the emails as soon as they get it.
Tip #3: Suggest offers that your subscribers cannot refuse.
At the end of the year, subscribers usually have their pockets filled with at least their standard 13th-month bonuses. Therefore, it might be a good idea to plan offers that your subscribers cannot refuse because more of them now have the ability to buy things.
- Make offers according to the event calendar.
Take note of key dates such as boxing day, thanksgiving day, Christmas day, and plan offers accordingly. Encouraging people to buy items for themselves and for their loved ones will be a great idea. Design your email based on the purpose of it–if it is to encourage people to buy gifts for each other, you can consider including visuals that convey that.
- Check what your competitors are doing.
It is always a good idea to keep track of what your competitors are doing, because consumers will choose between you and them. Therefore, if your immediate competitors are offering 20% discounts, it may be a good idea to offer something at least as attractive as a 20% discount as well.
- Free-shipping/ discount-codes/ 1-for-1 offers.
Giving your subscriber a free-shipping offer would give them more incentive to shop more. Usually, bath products are popular as gifts in Asia, and those items are heavy. If there is free-shipping offered, more subscribers might make use of the deal.
- Encourage buyers to purchase items for gift-giving purposes.
Tell compelling stories. Use descriptions to remind your subscriber that this festive holiday is a time for thanksgiving, and it is a great time to express your gratitude to one another via gift-giving.
- Guide your subscribers’ purchase decisions.
Sometimes subscribers have the money to purchase things but they do not know what to buy. Here, you can use content marketing such as a holiday gift-giving guide or some tips on how to get the best deals for Christmas shopping. Make suggestions on where and how they can spend money in accordance with their needs and wants.
We hope you have enjoyed today’s post. Have fun doing festive email marketing!